Access to safe water is the most important provision to have on-hand in times of emergency. The human body can last weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Having adequate water storage can bring health, safety, and convenience back to your life during times of crisis.
During a water-related emergency or outbreak, safe drinking water may not be available. Prepare for an emergency by creating and storing a supply of safe water that will meet your family’s needs.
How Much Emergency Water to Store
Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day for 3 days for drinking and sanitation.
Try to store a 2-week supply, if possible.
Consider storing more water than this for pregnant women, people who are sick, pets, or if living in a hot climate.
Things to Consider
There are many other critical uses for water in an emergency, including:
· Preparing meals
· Cleaning hands and cookware
· Flushing the toilet(s)
· Bathing
· Washing clothes
The “1 gallon per person per day” guideline is for drinking water only. Consider storing more water than you think you will need to carry out these other activities.
Bottled Water
Unopened, commercially bottled water is the safest and most reliable source of water in an emergency. If you do not have bottled water, you can make your water safe to drink by using clean containers to collect and store your water, using the following instructions.
Choosing a Container
If you are filling containers with water to store, it is best to use food-grade water storage containers. FDA-approved food-grade storage containers will not transfer toxic substances into the water. They can be found at surplus or camping supply stores. Contact the storage container manufacturer if you are not sure whether the container is food-grade. If you are not able to use a food-grade water storage container, be sure the container you choose:
Has a top that can be closed tightly.
Is made of durable, unbreakable materials (not glass or milk containers which may break easily)
Has a narrow neck or opening, if possible, so water can be poured out.
DO NOT USE containers that were previously used to hold liquid or solid toxic chemicals, such as bleach or pesticides.
Cleaning and Sanitizing a Water Storage Container Before Use
Before filling with water, follow these steps to clean and sanitize water storage containers:
Wash the storage container with soap and rinse completely with water.
Sanitize the container with a solution made by mixing 1 teaspoon of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach in 1 quart (4 cups) of water. Use bleach that contains 5%–9% sodium hypochlorite.
Cover the container tightly and shake it well. Make sure the sanitizing bleach solution touches all inside surfaces of the container.
Wait at least 30 seconds and then pour the sanitizing solution out of the container.
Let the empty container air-dry before use.
Pour clean water into the sanitized container and cover it with a tight lid.
Storing the Water
Tips for storing water from your home:
Label container as “drinking water” and include storage date.
Replace water every six months. (When you change the clocks in the spring and fall is a good time to also empty and refill your water bottles.
Keep containers in a place with a cool temperature (50°F –70°F).
Keep containers away from direct sunlight.
Keep containers away from areas where toxic substances, such as gasoline or pesticides, are present.
Using the Water
Tips for taking water out of the container:
If using a scoop or other device, use a clean one each time you remove water from the container to avoid contaminating the water.
Do not touch the water or insides of the container with your hands.
Do not scoop out water with your hands.
Knowing how much water is required for emergencies and all the steps to store it can seem overwhelming at first. Start small – store enough for just one day - then build up to three days, one week, one month and before you know it, you’ll be fully prepared!
More information and materials can be found at